The Field Experience begins with a 12-week LIVE online group coaching cohort to help you grow closer to God, become emotionally healthy, and lead your family with confidence.

* 2025 Cohort II Registration Now Open!

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You have fields you've been given to rule. Hearts to cultivate. A Kingdom to multiply.

But the world has a way of slowly wearing you down. Perhaps you find yourself:

  • Able to lead hundreds of people at work, but come home and don't know how to lead your own family

  • Feeling alone, with a deep desire for a community of godly men

  • Longing to experience and hear from God

  • Desiring deeper connection with your wife

  • Wishing you could experience joy and be fully present in the small moments of life

  • Fighting for a simpler, less pressured day-to-day

  • Wanting to raise your kids with more direction and purpose than what the world is offering

This is what The Field Experience is all about. Coming alongside each other as men "to not grow weary in doing good." To experience the love of the Father for us. To become emotionally healthy husbands and fathers ourselves. To build for the Kingdom of God by how we lead our families.


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Quarterly Cohorts

3-month LIVE online group coaching and discipleship cohorts 

Ongoing Monthly Coaching

After the quarterly cohort, stay connected with ongoing coaching calls and community

In-person Retreat

Live retreats and experiences are held two times a year for cohort alumni


Just $499

Get Special Pricing Until March 20!

2025 Dates: 
Cohort I: January - March
Cohort II: April - June


  • A 12-week LIVE online group coaching cohort
  • One LIVE 90-minute coaching session on emotional growth per month
  • One LIVE 60-minute spiritual growth coaching call per month
  • Two coaching videos per month
  • Led by Famous at Home's Joshua Straub, (Ph.D., CMCLC) 
  • Access to the The Field Experience online community
  • Daily spiritual and emotional growth practices sent straight to your phone
  • Coaching techniques designed to help you be more emotionally safe with your wife and attuned to your kids 
  • Experiential spiritual practices for experiencing the Father's love
  • Spiritual direction for hearing the voice of God and experiencing His felt presence in daily life
  • A blueprint for leading your family

    ** 100% Money Back Guarantee!
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